Friday, March 5, 2010

Sectional Brackets

If you're interested in where you fall in your sectional bracket, you can see the current version on Track Wrestling. Many changes have taken place overnight, and may also take place Saturday morning, so take it with a grain of salt. Also, if you won't be attending the sectional on Saturday, and wish to follow your teammates you can see real-time results at the same site. Here is a direct link to the tournament. If that doesn't work, go to and search for the North Chicago Sectional held in Bartlett, IL. Sign-in as a Viewer, go to brackets, and then choose the appropriate bracket. Here's a tip, in the Quick Search Box, Type "North Chicago Sectional" in the Event Name field and click Go. Just make sure to select this year's Sectional (03/06/2010) and not last year's.

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