Thursday, January 6, 2011

Skin Diseases

Example of Ringworm infection
Ringworm is a common skin disease that tends to rear its ugly head among wrestlers.  The best defense against ringworm infections is to shower immediately after practice, every day without fail.  If you do have anything on your body that looks suspicious, you need to do the following things.  First, DO NOT COME TO PRACTICE.  Secondly, go to your doctor to have it examined and treated, if necessary.  Third, bring the IHSA skin check form to your doctor so he/she can fill it out.  You will need to present this form at weigh-ins upon request from any official.  This is especially true when you go to the kid's open or the State series, where skin checks are mandatory.  If you present yourself at a skin check with any sort of skin abnormality, it is up to the official at weigh-ins to determine if you can wrestle or not.  So, it is always best to have the skin check form completed for any sort of skin abnormality present on your body.

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